Introduction | Example: Aurelia application development process using Monterey

Creating the application

Assuming that you have the Monterey application installed, click on Create new Aurelia application button (Image 2, below):

Image 2

My next action is to select the skeleton-esnext from the set of project templates:

Image 3

Click on Choose folder (marker 1) button allows me to select the directory where this application will be created. This button launchers the file explorer of the native operating system.

Defining the directory in the Explorer (marker 2) will convey the path to this folder to Monterey (marker 3), behind the scenes. Lastly click on the Next button on the bottom right edge of this Monterey pop-up dialog (marker 4).

Image 4

Image 5 below shows the next step in Monterey project definition wizard tool, where I am setting the name of the project (marker 1) that will be generated. Click on the Next (marker 2) button, will advance the wizard to the next step

Image 5

Confirming the chosen settings and clicking on the Next button (Image 6 below)

Image 6

results with Monterey creating the project and rendering the workflow that was generated automatically from the project's information in its configuration files. Click on the Start button (marker 1) starts the process of building and running application - shown on Image 8 below.

Image 7

Image 8 below, depicts the Monterey Task manager at work: it is currently executing the NPM install task, and the tasks JSPM install and gulp watch are shown as queued to be executed next, assuming that NPM install task succeeds (by the same logic, gulp watch will be executed if JSPM install succeeds)

Image 8

As soon as all tasks are finished, the application can be opened via the link in the description field of the task (Image 9 below), or via a browser tile (chrome, or any other app launcher).

Image 9

In the next section we click on the NPM manager tile and run the equivalent of the npm install command executed in the console application.


You can find a lot more information on creating new applications in Monterey user manual, chapter Creating new application**

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