8.0 Platform abstraction layer

Monterey is ran in a NodeJS environment when it is started by Electron. This allows Monterey to use all goodies of NodeJS: fs.readFile, os.getPlatform() and everything else. We quickly discovered that using these functions directly caused the Karma test runner to fail, as Karma runs Monterey in a browser environment and not in a NodeJS environment. There also were plans to create a simulator, which would simulate certain actions taken by Monterey. This lead to the idea to create a platform abstraction layer for Monterey, inspired by Aurelia's platform abstraction layer.

Monterey's PAL consists of two parts: monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron. Monterey-pal-electron can be seen as an implementation of the monterey-pal interface.

Monterey uses monterey-pal, but it does not care what the implementation of monterey-pal is. If monterey calls FS.readFile('foo.txt'), then it expects the content of the 'foo.text' file to be returned, but it does not care how this file is read

By default Monterey uses monterey-pal-electron which implements all functions of monterey-pal. In index.html the following code registers monterey-pal-electron:

    .then(() => System.import('monterey-pal-electron').then(pal => pal.initialize())) <---
    .then(() => System.import('aurelia-bootstrapper'));

8.1 What happens here?

Lets use the FS (filesystem) class of monterey-pal as an example. Here monterey-pal has a readFile function, which throws an error mentioning that the function has not been implemented. If monterey-pal-electron would not be initialized, and you would run the following code:

import {FS} from 'monterey-pal';

Then you would get the error Not implemented.

When monterey starts up, it initializes monterey-pal-electron. The job of monterey-pal-electron is to override all functions in monterey-pal with the actual implementation of these functions.

For example, the readFile function of monterey-pal:

  readFile(filePath) {
    throw new Error('Not implemented');

needs to be overriden with the readFile function of monterey-pal-electron:

  async readFile(filePath) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
        if (err) {

This takes place in the initialize function of monterey-pal-electron, which is called from index.html.

8.2 Working on the pal

First make sure that the node_modules in the monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron directories were installed.

Assuming that the steps in chapter 1.1 and chapter 1.2 were followed, running node run link from the monterey-framework directory will jspm link monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electronto monterey. After every change in monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron, thenode run link` command must be executed again for the changes to show up in Monterey.

When satisfied with the changes to monterey-pal / monterey-pal-electron, use the following steps to release this change, something which is necessary for other monterey developers to get these changes.

  1. In the package.json of both monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron, bump the version number
  2. Push the changes of monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron to github.
  3. Create a release on github for both monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron
  4. run node run unlink from the monterey-framework directory to fetch monterey-pal and monterey-pal-electron from github, and update the versions in config.js.
  5. Push the changes of monterey to github

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