Testing updates

Sometimes you may need to test the updater mechanism. The following steps guide you to create an installer locally, so that you do not have to create a new release on GitHub every time you would like to test a change to the updater mechanism.

  1. Downgrade the version of both package.json files (one, two). For example, if the latest version of Monterey on GitHub (link) is v0.4.7, then you can change the version in both package.json files to 0.4.6. That way Monterey will look on GitHub for the latest version, and it will find that the latest version is higher than what is in your package.json files. This will cause Monterey to find an update.

  2. Create an installer: npm run dist. This creates an installer in the dist/win directory as shown on Image 1 below.

  3. Run the installer (file monterey Setup0.4.6.exe, shown on Image1).

    Image 1

  4. Monterey will launch and it will indicate that there is an announcement available (Image 2 below)

    Image 2

  5. Click on the announcements button and you should see:

    Image 3

Note that you have created the installer from the development bits, which is older than the latest version on GitHub (you just downgraded it in step 1. above). So you will basically do an upgrade to the latest released version on GitHub.

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